Designing the board

I decided to use this week to practice/prototype for my final project - a somehwat-smart watch. The picture to the left here shows the final PCB layout that I converged upon. As you can see this "digitally powered analog clock face" is still missing some components that I want to add such as a accelerometer, a bluetooth module, a thermistor and maybe a GPS module.

The following pictures show the different iterations where the PCB size got smaller, the positioning of the LED's became more precise and I started adding labels on the copper itself to speed up the soldering and populating process.

There are still clearly some issues, some of the LED's don't seem to light up as expected. I checked the pin outputs form the attiny using the oscilloscope, they seem to be doing something. I resoldered a couple of LEDs and then they started workign. I suspect poor joints especially in the vias. I'm still looking into this at the moment.