In Everyday English
Table of Contents
1 How doctors speak
"There’s a linguist’s saying about English speakers that we go to work in Latin and come home in Anglo-Saxon. Meaning that much of our professional language (words like office, supervisor, colleague — even computer and telephone) comes from the Latin-derived French. While the language of home (house, hearth, fire) comes to us from the German-derived Anglo-Saxon. To use Latin is to ally yourself with all of these powerful connotations at once: mystery, power, and formalism."
—M. G. DuPree
Experts often need their own language in order to speak clearly and quickly. But too often medical jargon separates the people from their health: when medical knowledge is written by experts for experts, we lose the ability to control and manage our health for ourselves.
Maybe in the beginning, physicians deliberately made up complicated words to distance themselves from the untrained masses. Maybe we in western culture often want that distance — culturally speaking, western doctors are priests, not shamans, and so their power and authority stems from their training. Maybe medical jargon makes it easier for patients and their doctors to believe that doctors are all-powerful.
Or maybe doctors simply used new words because they needed more precise and efficient terms. And maybe we are shedding lofty words in favor of everyday words and moving away from an authoritarian model of medicine. This work is part of such a project.
2 A program which explains medical jargon
This article describes a program which I call WELLSPEAK
. It is a
Javascript plugin for your web browser—specifically for
Wikipedia—and it explains what complicated words mean by breaking
apart their etymological roots.
For example, if you read an article containing the phrase chronic
hepatitis, WELLSPEAK
will translate the phrase as long-lasting
liver-swelling. In this way, the program translates long, obscure
Latinate phrases into plain English.
The structure of the program is standard: it simply searches for words
that it can break apart into pieces which it understands. The power of
comes from a hand-made glossary of around 380 roots,
linking "-itis" to "swelling", "hepat-" to "kindney", and so on.
is not an etymological dictionary — it guesses the
meaning of words from their roots, rather than looking them up from an
authoritative source. And as a consequence, it sometimes guesses the
wrong roots. But what WELLSPEAK
lacks in correctness, it makes up
for in flexibility: WELLSPEAK
is a model of my own strategy for
understanding new words by breaking them apart. By deploying its
knowledge of roots, WELLSPEAK
can even understand rare words and
words that have just been coined. By exposing the roots of words,
makes jargon make sense. Take a look at this screenshot
in action:
is a proof-of-concept companion for the reader of medical
jargon. My aim in writing it was to help readers understand passages
where — too often — the vocabulary itself is the main
obstacle. Its glosses are designed to shed light on what words mean,
and in so doing to empower the reader.
3 Other references
- George Orwell talks about the relationship between clear language and clear thought.
- The Anglish Moot aims to remove borrowed words from English. Their Anglish glossary inspired some of the glosses in this program.
4 Program source
The source of the program is displayed in two parts for ease of reading. The first part consists of the entire Greasemonkey script except for the definitions of the approximately 380 root words. The second part consists of the definitions of all the roots.
I've left intact the comments where I've deliberated over different choices of gloss.
4.1 The search program
// ==UserScript== // @name wellspeak // @namespace // @include* // @version 1 // @require // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var roots = []; var endings = []; var anglish = {}; var excluded = {}; var contains = function(coll, x) { for(var i in coll) { if(coll[i] == x) { return true; } } return false; } var exclude = function(word) { excluded[word] = true; }; var add_root = function(root,meaning) { roots.push(root);anglish[root] = meaning; }; var add_suffix = function(root,meaning) { endings.push(root);anglish[root] = meaning; }; var cmp_length = function(a,b){return Math.sign(b.length - a.length);}; var init_vars = function() { // SNIP ------ THE DATABASE OF ROOTS GOES HERE ------ // END SNIP. roots.sort(cmp_length); endings.sort(cmp_length); }; var translate_greek = function(word) { console.log(word); if(word == "" || excluded[word.toLowerCase()]){return [];} var ret = []; $(endings.concat(roots)).each(function(i,end){ var full = end; var part = end; full = full.replace(/\|/g,"") ; part = end.match(/^[^\|]+/)[0]; // the ending of the word exactly matches an entry if(word.length >= full.length && word.substring(word.length-full.length).toLowerCase() == full) { console.log("<",full); console.log("<<",word.substring(0,word.length-full.length)); if(word.length == full.length) { // the word has been completely translated if(!contains(endings, full)){ ret.push([anglish[end]]); } } else { // the beginning of the word still needs to be translated var recur = translate_greek(word.substring(0,word.length-full.length)); $(recur).each(function(j,r){ ret.push(r.concat(anglish[end])); }); } } // the ending of the word matches just the stem of an entry + a (possibly modified) vowel if(part != full && word.charAt(word.length-1).match(/[aeiou]/i) && word.substring(word.length-part.length-1, word.length-1).toLowerCase() == part){ //console.log(">> partial", word, word.substring(0,word.length-part.length-1), part); console.log("MODIFIED VOWEL"); if(word.length == full.length) { // the word has been completely translated ret.push([anglish[end]]); } else { // the beginning of the word still needs to be translated var recur = translate_greek(word.substring(0,word.length-part.length-1)); $(recur).each(function(j,r){ ret.push(r.concat(anglish[end])); }); } } if(part != full && word.substring(word.length-part.length, word.length).toLowerCase() == part){ if(word.length == part.length) { // the word has been completely translated ret.push([anglish[end]]); } else { // the beginning of the word still needs to be translated var recur = translate_greek(word.substring(0,word.length-part.length)); $(recur).each(function(j,r){ ret.push(r.concat(anglish[end])); }); } } }); return ret; }; var decorate = function(pieces, original) { console.log(pieces.join(" ")); var tmp = pieces.filter(function(x){return !!x}).join("-"); if(original.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == original.charAt(0)) { tmp = tmp.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tmp.slice(1); } return "[[" + original + '|' + tmp + ']]'; }; $("body").ready(function(){ var stylish = "color:#0a0; border-radius:0.15em; background:#efc;"; init_vars(); console.log(translate_greek("pathophysiology")); $("p, b, i, u, a, span, strong, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, th, td,li").contents().filter(function(x){return this.nodeType==3}).each(function(i,x){ var xs = x.substringData(0,x.length); xs = xs.split(" "); ///[ ,:\.!;]+/ var ret = []; $(xs).each(function(j, y){ var z = translate_greek(y); ret.push((z.length > 0 && y.length >= 4) ? decorate(z[0],y) : y); }); x.replaceData(0, ret.join(" ").length, ret.join(" ")); }); $(document.documentElement).html(function(i,val){ return val.replace(/\[\[([^\]]+)\|([^\]]+)\]\]/g," <span style='"+stylish+"'>$2 [<i>$1</i>]</span>"); // return val.replace(/(\[\[[^\]+\]\])/,"<span style='background:#ff0;'>asdf</span>"); }); });
4.2 The glossary of roots
exclude("carbonate"); exclude("some"); exclude("enter"); exclude("bare"); exclude("urine"); exclude("barbara"); exclude("gene"); exclude("opium"); exclude("open"); exclude("later"); exclude("dermis"); exclude("Cuban"); exclude("arch"); exclude("trials"); exclude("trial"); exclude("additional"); exclude("state"); exclude("states"); exclude("gram"); // Idiosyncratic individual words add_root("auto-immune","self-fighting"); add_root("fistul|a","thinpipe"); add_suffix("psy","slicing"); add_root("vascul|um","bloodpipe"); add_suffix("ar","type"); add_root("peritone|um","bellyskin"); add_root("non-","non"); add_suffix("trics","skill"); add_root("ped|o","baby"); add_root("paed|ia","baby"); add_root("stasis","staying"); add_root("stat|o","staying"); //staystill add_root("homeo","samekind"); add_root("peri","around"); add_root("ventricle","pouch"); add_root("ventriul|o","pouch"); add_root("glyc|an","sugarchain"); add_root("chondr|o","cartilage"); add_root("spondyl|o","backbone"); add_root("chronic","longlasting"); add_root("hepat|os","liver"); add_root("hem|o","blood"); add_root("haem|o","blood"); add_root("ankyl|os","crooked"); add_root("psori|a","itch"); add_suffix("ing", "ing"); add_root("enthesis","connection"); add_root("entheses","connections") add_root("lig|a","bind"); add_suffix("ment", "ing"); add_root("alkal|i","saltwort"); add_root("plexus","braid"); add_root("enter|o","intestine"); add_root("coron|a","crown"); add_root("dist|o","farside"); add_root("proxim|o","nearside"); add_root("dors|o","backside"); add_root("later|o","flankside"); add_root("ventr|o","bellyside"); add_root("endo","within"); add_root("exo","outside"); add_root("apo","beyond"); add_root("palat|o","mouthroof"); add_root("nitr|o","washingsoda"); add_root("aponeuroses","beyondsinew"); add_root("latissim|us","broadest"); add_root("penn|a","feather"); add_root("arachn|o","spider"); add_root("en","at"); //at atop add_root("chem|y","pouring"); add_suffix("try","domain"); add_root("lymph|o","fluids"); add_root("rheumat|o","discharge"); add_root("chiasm|a","crisscross"); add_root("cerebr|um","brain"); add_root("hemi","half"); add_root("tendon","sinew"); add_root("tendin|o","sinew"); add_root("rostr|o","face"); add_root("coll|a","glue"); add_root("naut","sailor"); add_root("inter","within"); add_root("nation|al","land"); add_root("pseud|o","substitute"); add_root("amin|o","ammonium"); add_root("aden|os", "gland"); add_root("chrom|a","color"); add_root("som|a", "body"); add_root("homo","same"); add_root("hetero","other"); add_root("log|o","reckoning"); add_root("sigm|a", "ess"); add_root("andr|o", "man"); //man male add_root("gyn|o", "woman"); //woman add_root("gynec|o", "woman"); //woman add_root("mer|o", "part"); add_root("morph|o", "shaped"); add_root("poly", "many"); add_root("olig|o", "several"); add_root("heli|o", "sun"); add_root("hydr|o", "water"); add_root("anthrop|o", "people"); add_root("chi", "swap"); add_root("arch", "top"); //highup add_root("bio", "life"); add_suffix("bic", "life"); add_root("arthr|o", "joint"); add_root("mon|o", "single"); // single, one add_root("di", "two"); add_root("tri", "three"); add_root("rhin|o", "nose"); add_root("cer|at", "horn"); add_root("auto", "self"); add_root("idio", "oneofakind"); add_root("phon|o", "sound"); add_root("tele|o", "far"); add_root("men|s", "month"); add_root("path|o", "sick"); add_root("crypt|o", "hiding"); // hidden, shadowed, covering, obscuring add_root("psych|o", "mind"); add_root("phil|o", "love"); add_root("phob|o", "fear"); add_root("soph|o", "wisdom"); add_root("pod|e", "foot"); add_root("gastr|o", "stomach"); add_root("nom|o", "law"); // law, rule, custom, trend add_root("eco", "home"); // house add_root("sphere", "orb"); add_root("astr|o", "star"); add_root("aster", "star"); add_root("gon", "angle"); // angle, side ?? paragon = par(a) + akon, not -gon. add_root("ox|y", "sour"); add_root("hal|i", "salt"); add_root("lith|os", "stone"); add_root("calli", "beauty"); add_root("geo", "earth"); add_root("electr|o", "amber"); add_root("lys|o", "crumble"); // separation, breakapart, decompose, fracture, crumble, shred, pile add_root("lyt", "crumble"); // separation, breakapart, decompose, fracture, crumble, shred, pile add_root("dox", "belief"); add_root("para", "beyond"); add_root("hetero", "different"); add_root("ortho", "right"); // ? pun with: "right" angles, "right" belief add_root("dont", "tooth"); add_root("bar|y", "heavy"); add_root("hyper", "more"); // very extremely over add_root("hypo", "less"); // under, sub, less add_root("radi|o", "ray"); add_root("an", "without"); add_root("holo", "allaround"); // all whole total around add_root("cyt|e", "cell"); // cell room add_root("caust", "burn"); add_root("hagio", "saint"); add_root("gram", "info"); // message picture info add_root("enanti|o", "opposite"); add_root("pter|a", "wing"); add_root("dact|yl", "finger"); add_root("cide", "killing"); add_root("rex", "king"); add_root("regi", "king"); add_root("iso", "same"); add_root("nym", "name"); add_root("topo", "place"); add_root("endo", "within"); add_root("exo", "outsider"); //outside, outsider add_root("gen|s", "bloodline"); add_suffix("genesis", "forming"); add_root("phag|o", "eat"); add_root("sarc|o", "flesh"); add_root("vertebr|um", "spine"); add_root("gangli|on", "bundle"); add_root("calor|i", "heat"); add_root("therm|o", "hot"); add_root("thalp|y", "warming"); add_root("insul|a", "island"); add_root("uvi|ae", "clothes"); add_root("dis", "bad"); add_root("eu", "good"); add_root("lumin|a", "glow"); add_root("phot|o", "light"); add_root("tax|i", "movement"); add_root("synth|es", "make"); add_root("pyro", "fire"); add_root("neuro", "brain"); add_root("lept|o", "seize"); // grab holdfast add_root("derm|is", "skin"); add_root("cardi|o", "heart"); add_root("mys|o", "muscle"); add_root("my|o", "muscle"); add_root("isc", "stop"); add_root("hem|o", "blood"); add_root("glob|o", "glob"); // glob corpuscule blob dollop add_root("kin|e", "movement"); add_root("sthen|o", "strength"); add_root("apo", "breakaway"); // apart, perfective, detached, tangential, sprouted, bud, offshoot add_root("deic", "proof"); add_root("theo", "god"); add_root("cra|t", "rule"); add_root("mito", "thread"); add_root("meio", "lessening"); //lessen diminish add_root("chondri|on", "granule"); add_root("dynam|o", "force"); //power force add_root("vitr|e", "glass"); add_root("viv|o", "alive"); //add_root("par|o", "offspring"); add_root("tom|e", "cut"); add_root("ecto", "outof"); //ecto outof add_suffix("ectomy", "cutout"); //ecto outof add_root("endo", "inside"); add_root("plasm", "molding"); // molded add_root("etio", "cause"); add_root("humor", "fluid"); add_root("phys|io", "nature"); add_root("anteri|or", "earlier"); add_root("cortex", "treebark"); add_root("cortic|o", "treebark"); add_root("toxic", "poison"); add_root("carb|o", "coal"); add_root("histo|s", "tissue"); add_root("dipl", "double"); add_root("hapl", "half"); add_root("osteo", "bone"); add_root("menisc|us", "crescent"); add_root("phanalg|es", "finger"); // finger //add_root("cre", "grow"); add_root("valve", "door"); add_root("fluor|o", "glow"); add_root("opi|um","poppy"); add_root("op|s", "face"); add_root("cat|a", "builddown"); //downward add_root("ana", "buildup"); //upward //buildup add_root("gam|y", "coupling"); // wife coupling bonding add_root("ion|o", "ion"); add_root("pto|sis", "autumn"); add_root("carcin|o", "cancer"); add_suffix("tumor", "oma"); add_suffix("phor|e", "bringer"); // bearer add_suffix("oid|o", "ish"); // like, ish add_suffix("itis", "swelling"); add_suffix("gen", "maker"); add_suffix("ium", "stuff"); add_suffix("um", "stuff"); add_suffix("ic", "type"); // kind type add_suffix("tic", "type"); // kind type add_suffix("log|y", "reckoning"); // words knowledge info fact reckoning add_suffix("nom|y", "laws"); add_suffix("metr|y", "measurement"); add_suffix("meter", "measurer"); add_suffix("arch|y", "leadership"); // ruler leadership add_suffix("path|y", "sickness"); // wrongness, strangeness add_suffix("ist", "master"); // user, doer, practicer, craftsman, master, specialist add_suffix("graph|y", "writing"); add_suffix("esce", "become"); add_suffix("nce", "attribute"); //happening, quality, property add_suffix("sis", "condition"); // status condition add_suffix("tics", "field"); // add_suffix("ine", "quality"); // add_suffix("plasty", "reshaping"); // add_root("fibr|il", "thread"); add_root("embol|o", "plug"); add_root("onco", "tumor"); add_root("angi|o", "channel"); //bloodvessel ensconce channel add_root("lumen", "tunnel"); //tunnel light way lightway add_root("cub|e", "box"); add_root("epi", "upon"); add_root("theli|um", "nipple"); add_root("macro", "giant"); add_root("super", "above"); add_root("fici|o", "surface"); add_root("skelet|on", "skeleton"); add_root("ecdys|o", "shed"); add_root("botan|y", "herb"); add_root("ur|o", "urine"); add_root("urethr|a", "urine"); add_root("vascul|o", "tube"); add_root("femor", "thigh"); add_root("micro", "small"); add_root("dia", "apart"); // apart through add_root("bat|os", "pass"); add_root("cholecyst|o", "gallbladder"); add_root("lapar|o", "softpeel"); add_root("cannul|a", "reed"); add_root("thora|c", "chest"); add_root("thromb|um", "bloodclot"); add_root("scler|a", "stiff"); add_root("ather|o", "porridge"); add_root("ster|os", "unyielding"); // double meaning: barren or stiff add_root("chole|ra", "bile"); add_root("necr|o", "death"); //deathly add_root("prote|o", "protein"); add_root("lip|id", "grease"); add_root("sur", "over"); add_root("zo|an", "beast"); add_root("eu", "good"); add_root("aort|a", "suspension"); add_root("atri|o", "chamber"); add_root("amyl|o", "starch"); add_root("uter|us", "womb"); add_root("umbil|i", "navel"); add_root("ubiqu|o", "everywhere"); add_root("azimuth", "overhead"); add_root("oo", "egg"); add_suffix("zenith", "overhead"); add_suffix("cyte", "cell"); add_suffix("on", "unit"); // particle unit add_suffix("is", "process"); // add_suffix("at", "person"); add_suffix("ia", "environment"); // field system situation condition environment add_suffix("ical", "type"); // having trait add_suffix("ous", ""); // category quality //add_suffix("in", "protein"); add_suffix("ol", "alchohol"); //alchohol, ol add_root("ad", "near"); add_root("bacteri|um", "smallrod"); add_suffix("tome", "slice"); add_suffix("tomy", "slice"); add_suffix("ase", "cutter"); // enzyme suffix: cutter, snipper add_suffix("ose", "sugar"); // sugar suffix add_suffix("al", "kind"); // type kind nature //add_suffix("y", "area"); add_suffix("ity", "quality"); add_suffix("itis", "swelling"); add_suffix("osis", "condition"); // sickness, condition --- cf phagocytosis add_suffix("tosis", "condition"); //add_suffix("ate", "matter"); // dxh add_suffix("ate", "things"); add_suffix("ism", "happening"); add_suffix("ary", "form"); add_root("trop|e", "turntowards"); add_root("myco", "mushroom"); add_root("arter|y", "pipe"); add_root("arteri|o", "pipe"); add_root("ren|es", "kidney"); add_root("nephr|o", "kidney"); add_root("sten|os", "narrowing"); add_root("glyco", "sweet"); add_suffix("aero", "air"); add_suffix("viron", "circle"); add_suffix("erg|y", "work"); add_suffix("ia", "ness"); // add_suffix("ize", "outcome"); // making outcome (synthesize is 'maker making') add_suffix("ise", "outcome"); add_suffix("tion", "process"); add_suffix("tion", "process"); add_suffix("s", ""); add_suffix("scope", "seer"); add_suffix("scop|y", "seeing");