Name | Dylan Holmes |
Contact | I would like to hear from you. You can e-mail me at |
PGP Key | Security is a kind of hygiene. My public key is here;
its fingerprint follows. A5EC B117 EB17 5686 CED7 03CC DBD1 9526 CC41 DA73 |
Birthday | April 1 |
Alcor | I am a member (#A-2698) of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. I remain enthusiastic that, with hard work, medical suspension will become a practical choice in the next few decades. |
Bitcoin | If you would like to donate to this website,
you can use this bitcoin address. I use donations to cover
hosting costs, and every bit
helps. 1GPqDcD4N92z5DuLEH6HiBcLU8nY818Jgn ![]() |
This site | This website is built with the following tools (worth checking out): Org mode for writing, MathJax for rendering math on the web, lighttpd for serving pages, git for version control, arch linux as the operating sytem, linode as the hosting environment. Also Clojure for coding. |
HTTPS | This website uses an encrypted HTTPS connection to make it harder for others to eavesdrop on what you're viewing. If you have your own site, you can get a certificate for an HTTPS connection free-of-charge using a website such as |
Marvin Minsky | Semantic Information Processing |
Annette Karmiloff-Smith | Beyond Modularity |
Amartya Sen | Development as Freedom |
Thomas Szasz | The Myth of Mental Illness |
Jay Rosenberg | Thinking Clearly About Death |
Steve Awodey | Category Theory |
Christopher Alexander | A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction |
L. Ivan Epstein | Nomography |
Edward Tufte | The Visual Display of Quantitative Information |