** Project plan - [ ] Order Wiimotes/ir cameras - [ ] Decide whether accelerometers are necessary. - [ ] Design a circuit to read ir/position data. - [ ] Figure out how to transmit ir data to the computer. (I think wiimote uses I2C) - [ ] Determine how to read incoming data from a javascript application (maybe via nodejs) - [ ] Design a head mount for led lights, e.g. by printing. - [ ] Decide whether to use two three or four lights. - [ ] Decide on whether to use a tetrahedral light arrangement - [ ] Build a simulated environment. - [ ] Enable reasonable programmatic movement of the simulated camera. - [ ] Interface the simulated camera with the incoming data ** About wiimotes - [ ] IR positioning camera https://www.dfrobot.com/product-1088.html#.VvlgYBIrKso - [ ] Johnny Lee's wiimote hacks ted talk https://www.ted.com/talks/johnny_lee_demos_wii_remote_hacks?nolanguage=EN - [ ] Not apparently useful, but nodejs + wiimote https://bramp.github.io/nodewii-talk/#1 - [ ] Wiimotes use bluetooth to connect. This is how the nodejs wii program does it. A program like BlueZ is required to add bluetooth functionality on linux. http://www.tomsguide.com/faq/id-2376985/bluetooth-connect-wii-remote.html - [ ] C library for wiimotes, bluetooth, etc. https://github.com/abstrakraft/cwiid - [ ] IR camera speaks i2c protocol. Nodejs implementation of i2c: https://www.npmjs.com/package/i2c - [ ] Wiimote connecting and writing in python https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/projects/raspberrypi/tutorials/robot/wiimote/ - [ ] Circuitry for wiimote https://www.instructables.com/id/Wii-Remote-IR-Camera-Hack/ - In the i2c protocol, SCL refers to clock signal and SDA refers to data line. See Neil's examples: http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/networking_communications/index.html - In I2C, every object has a 1-byte I2C address apparently. The top seven bits are the actual address, and the final bit is used to declare r/w mode. ** Others - [ ] Rayleigh shader math https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems2/gpugems2_chapter16.html