Kenny Friedman, Week 02
Cutting: Vinyl and Lasers
Long ago, there was an inside joke I had with friends where they would ask me "is it tuesday". I thought the joke would die eventually, but it's been almost 10 years now, so I have decided to embrace it on my laptop.
I used the Mac app Sketch to create the design and then the vinyl cutter in the EDS lab (using Mods) to actually print it. I didn't realize that it would print as soon as I hit "send to printer", so I wasted a bit of vinyl my not zero-ing the cutting head to a corner at first. Lesson learned!
After the first failed attempt — with slightly too small of a size, I increased the size and it printed properly!
Vinylcutting Photos

I laser cut circular disks onto a spine. I was interested in the range of things you could create that have a "spine." The circular disks can be arranged in different ways along the spine, which can simulate different curves. You can create an animal, a game of Tower of Hanoi, or the wheels of an axel.
I was very frustrated by the software solutions to parametric design. But I ended up using Inkscape, and using constants in the SVG xml to be able to maniuplate parameters.
Lasercutting Photos