1. Install the KiCad software and fab libraries. 2. Open schematic view. 3. Lay down the logical network structure, including wire labels for convenience. 4. Set the components' parameters (resistance level, capacitance, etc.) 5. Set the footprints of the components. 6. Annotate the circuit, which gives unique names to each component. 7. Export the circuit as a netlist. 8. Open PCBView. Import the netlist. 9. Set trace and grid parameters. (Make the traces a bit wider than default. Make the separation between traces a bit wider than default. Make the grid finer than default.) 10. Move the components around into a configuration where everything can be connected to everything else w/o traces overlapping each other. (Sketching on paper or referring to previous years' projects. http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.17/Architecture/people/ehoseini/week5/index.html) 11. Draw traces, making sure to space them apart. (To avoid future problems where a drop of solder causes a short circuit.) - The initial circuit layout has basically no geometry. In particular, the pins are in arbitrary positions. - As a result, getting the exact circuit type doesn't matter as long as the footprint is correct. - Pro tip(!) : To reduce the number of wires, you can add power symbols or labels to wires. All same-labeled components will be considered connected. - Our microcontroller is ATTiny44A-SSU - fab.pretty, etc. on website - import the circuit diagram stuff - preferences > manage footprint libraries - Set global design rules by Setup > Global Design Rules. - The "annotate net" eliminates all the ? labels. For example, it turns resistors R? R? R? into R1 R2 R3. - assign pcb footprints - Assign PCB symbols - capacitor SMD (surface mount) hand solder 1206 - 6 pin connector Connector_PinHeader 2x3 2.54mm SMD - 1206 gives dimensionality of small parts, including resistor and capacitor. - Resistor: 1206 - Design rules: set clearance and track width accordingly. (units in mm) - Grid settings are in dropdown on toolbar. - When exporting, be sure to export only Front copper (it's a one-sided board) and to export only the board area, not the whole page. - If you have the misfortune of using LibreOffice Draw to view SVG objects, note that it doesn't render joins between lines properly --- the lines look disconnected. This is a problem with rendering, not with the drawing --- opening in a suitable program such as Inkscape solves the problem. - You must draw the outline of the board. To do so, select the Edge.Cuts layer on the right hand side of the screen. Then draw a polygon (square). - To delete all traces ("rip up"), select all and look under the Edit menu. - http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.17/Architecture/people/ehoseini/week5/index.html #+BEGIN_SRC convert hello-traces.svg -bordercolor White -border 5%x5% hello-traces.png convert hello-traces.png -negate hello-traces-final.png convert -density 1000 h.svg -color Black -border 8%x8% h.png && convert h.png -negate h_traces.png convert -density 1000 h.svg -fx 0 -alpha off -bordercolor White -border 8%x8% -negate h_border.png #+END_SRC