1. Install the KiCad software and fab libraries.
  2. Open schematic view.
  3. Lay down the logical network structure, including wire labels for convenience.
  4. Set the components' parameters (resistance level, capacitance, etc.)
  5. Set the footprints of the components.
  6. Annotate the circuit, which gives unique names to each component.
  7. Export the circuit as a netlist.
  8. Open PCBView. Import the netlist.
  9. Set trace and grid parameters. (Make the traces a bit wider than default. Make the separation between traces a bit wider than default. Make the grid finer than default.)
  10. Move the components around into a configuration where everything can be connected to everything else w/o traces overlapping each other. (Sketching on paper or referring to previous years' projects. http://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.17/Architecture/people/ehoseini/week5/index.html)
  11. Draw traces, making sure to space them apart. (To avoid future problems where a drop of solder causes a short circuit.)
convert hello-traces.svg -bordercolor White -border 5%x5% hello-traces.png
convert hello-traces.png -negate hello-traces-final.png

convert -density 1000 h.svg -color Black -border 8%x8% h.png && convert h.png -negate h_traces.png
convert -density 1000 h.svg -fx 0 -alpha off  -bordercolor White -border 8%x8% -negate h_border.png

Created: 2018-10-06 Sat 16:44
